NOTE New Location for 2025!!

VIP Parking lot entrance is located at  the top of Homer St. and Ave 34, Los Angeles, CA 90031 In the dirt lot that runs parallel to Homer St. Guest entrance for those holding VIP parking will be a the Heritage Square Homer Gate at the bottom of the cul de sac.

You must  print your parking pass or have it available on your phone for entry.

  • Check in with parking attendant upon arrival at lot entrance and follow directions 
  • You will be directed to a parking space. 
  • You may only park in the area you are directed to. 
  • Cars must enter enter/exit at the designated time on your parking pass - times are non-changeable under any circumstances. 
  • Vehicles parked beyond the designated times will be towed at owner's expense.
  • Make sure your VIP parking pass time coincides with your Spooky Swap Meet ticket entry time!
  • Absolutely no exit then reentry will be permitted.
  • This is for parking only - you must have a separate ticket to enter the Spooky Swap Meet.
  • VIP parking lot is a one way entry then exit, make sure you enter at the top!

Be advised that parking is on dirt, gravel, and/or grass with possibly rocks and debris.

Parking is at your own risk. To avoid the possibility of car damage, listen to the attendant and drive slowly!

This lot is also shared with our ADA guests, so do not park in any marked handicap spots unless you have the legal placard.

By purchasing a VIP parking pass you release Scarlett Creative, Spooky Swap Meet, and Heritage Square from any claims of damage to vehicle or personal property while entering, exiting, or being parked at Heritage Square.


Location Information

  • Heritage Square Museum -- Homer Street Lot
  • Homer st and Ave 34, Los Angeles, CA, 90031 US

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